Police Rescue Man From Mob After Killing Wife at Her Parent’s Home

At the residence of his wife’s parents in Kipsolu, Kericho County, a 27-year-old man has been taken into custody on suspicion of stabbing her after a domestic argument.

Man Escapes Mob After Killing Wife at Her Parent's Home, Police Rescue

Man Escapes Mob After Killing Wife at Her Parent's Home, Police Rescue

At the residence of his wife’s parents in Kipsolu, Kericho County, a 27-year-old man has been taken into custody on suspicion of stabbing her after a domestic argument.

The suspect traveled from Borborwet to his wife’s home to resolve their domestic problems, according to a police complaint that was submitted on Friday.

But a fierce dispute followed, indicating that the couple’s determination to work out their issues never materialized.

The suspect took a knife from a nearby table during the altercation and stabbed his wife in the left side of her neck.

When surrounding people saw what had happened, they rushed to the house and discovered the victim lying in a pool of blood on the floor.

As others offered assistance to the victim, the mob, baying for his blood, attacked the 27-year-old.

A few locals, startled by what they saw, alerted the Sosiot Police Station officers, who raced over to the site. To break up the gathering and restore order, the officers shot two rounds into the air.

The suspect, who had just avoided death, was subsequently taken into custody by the police while inquiries were conducted to determine the reason behind his actions.

Before gathering evidence to be presented in court, the investigators also processed and recorded the scene.

The victim was declared dead upon arriving at Kericho County Referral Hospital, where her body was transported in the interim.

The police failed to provide any additional details regarding the nature of the marital problem she and her partner were trying to address or whether they had broken up amicably. The woman sought sanctuary at her parent’s house.

The tragedy brings to light the disturbing trend of femicide cases in the nation, where several women are murdered by close friends or intimate partners.

Activists across staged rallies on Saturday, January 27, calling on the government to take action on the relevant issue.

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