David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, has come under fire from Narok Senator Ledama Olekina

David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, has come under fire from Narok Senator Ledama Olekina

David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors (Right) Narok Senator Ledama Olekina (Left)

David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors (Right) Narok Senator Ledama Olekina (Left)

David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, has come under fire from Narok Senator Ledama Olekina for remarks he made recently regarding Kenya’s economic difficulties.

This comes after Ndii criticized the former government in a statement released on Saturday for putting the nation in debt and causing the present economic difficulties it is experiencing.

David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors
David Ndii, the Chair of the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors

“Who did you think was going to cry when I told you that Jubilee’s debt binge would end in expensive tears? How did you imagine this tenderpreneur starter kit thing would turn out when you were posting Prados here? Ndii remarked, “Sit down,” via his official X account.

Senator Ledama chastises Ndii for his comments, telling him to “stop your drama and give solutions.”

However, on Sunday 26th, Senator Ledama chastised Ndii, ordering him to stop the act and offer answers without focusing on the governance of the previous regime.

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina chastises Ndii
Senator Ledama chastises Ndii

He continued by saying that Ndii need to counsel President William Ruto to cease taking out loans from the World Bank and IMF and to do away with levies on agricultural equipment and inputs.

The outspoken senator also counseled Ndii to urge Ruto to pursue policies like tax waivers for investors in order to foster an environment that will encourage them to come back to Kenya and work.

“David Ndii, quit causing trouble! Provide answers and get over thinking about the past! Uhuru does not hold the presidency. Now tell your friend William Ruto to cease taking out loans from the World Bank and IMF Africa, as well as to remove all levies on farm equipment and inputs and waive them so that investors can return to Kenya. “Investors require motivation, not pleadings for mercy,” he posted on his official X account.