Important suggestions made by the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) to Raila and Ruto

Wiper party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka od the Azimio Coalition (Right) and Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wa of the Kenya Kwanza Coalition (Left)

Wiper party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka od the Azimio Coalition (Right) and Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wa of the Kenya Kwanza Coalition (Left)

The final say on the cost of living will rest with Raila and Ruto after the NADCO team releases its findings.

The National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) has completed its report and delivered it to Raila Odinga, the head of Azimio, and President William Ruto.

Many of the topics in the report were agreed upon by the committee headed by UDA MP and Majority leader in the National Assembly Kimani Ichung’wah of the Kenya Kwanza Coalition and Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka of the Azimio Coalition.

However, there was a lack of consensus on important matters pertaining to lowering the cost of living.

Among them was the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party’s proposal to lower the cost of living by lowering the gasoline VAT from 16% to 8%.

The controversial matters have been forwarded to Raila Odinga and President William Ruto for additional action.

The Majority Leader of the National Assembly pointed out during the report’s release that the committee was unable to reach a consensus over the elimination of the housing levy.

“However, the committee was unable to reach a consensus on a number of proposals on the matter of cost of living, including the reductions of VAT on fuel from 16% to 8% and scrapping the housing levy, the twin issues in the Finance Act 2023,” according to a portion of the report.

“We are proud to unveil the National Dialogue Committee’s Report, which has been electronically submitted to the principals representing the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio La Umoja Leadership,” Ichung’wah said.

Audit of the 2022 Election Process: NADCO has suggested that the 2022 Election Process be assessed.

Top Key Recommendations made by the NADCO team

Reorganizing and Reconstituting the IEBC:

NADCO has suggested that the selection panel be increased from its current size of seven to nine members.

Time frame for resolving petitions contesting the legality of presidential elections: NADCO suggests extending the period from 14 to 21 days for the Supreme Court to hear and rule on a case.

Legal Reforms for Elections:

NADCO has suggested that laws passed with less than eighteen months’ notice be implemented in the following election cycle.

Cost of Living

Regarding the cost of living, NADCO has suggested that all branches of government cut back on travel by 50%. The Salaries and Remuneration Commission has also been tasked with examining the per diem that state officers receive when traveling for official business, with the goal of cutting it by 30%.

In an effort to lower fuel prices, NADCO has also suggested lowering the anti-adulteration and road maintenance levies, which are assessed on fuel at Sh3 and Sh5, respectively.

Entrenching of funds into the constitution

NADCO suggests that the Senate Oversight Fund, the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF), and NG-CDF be entrenched.

Furthermore, NADCO suggested creating a statute to establish the Ward Development Fund.

Establishment and entrenchment of state offices

The committee suggests creating an office with two deputies for the leader of the main opposition party, which is a coalition of political parties that received the second-highest number of votes in the most recent presidential election.

NADCO also suggests that the President designate a candidate for the Office of Prime Minister, which would be established upon approval by the National Assembly.

Fidelity to the law on multiparty democracy

The Independent Political Parties Regulatory Commission should be established as a separate entity with the authority to register political parties, their officials, and their funding. This recommendation comes from NADCO.

At the moment, the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties holds this position.